Tuesday, April 6, 2010

KidLead Program come to Colorado Springs, April 23, 2010

Peek your head into Colorado Springs' Center for Creative Leadership's executive training programs and you'll see that most of the corporate participants are between the ages of 30-55.

But a very unique program is coming to Colorado Springs called KidLead. The brain child of leadership development specialist, Dr. Alan E. Nelson. KidLead is a non-profit that has age-sized executive training to ages 10-13. In addition to 50 hours of concentrated, active learning curriculum, taught by certified trainers, KidLead has designed the first leadership aptitude assessment that adults can take on children as young as 3 years of age.

Dr. Nelson, who lives in Monterey, CA, is the author of "KidLead: Growing Great Leaders" and will be facilitating a live preview of their program on Fri., April 23, 10-11AM at Woodmen Valley Chapel. The public is invited to observe. Students from a
pilot program in Benjamin-Eaton public school will be demonstrating the curriculum.

For more info on KidLead and/or to contact Dr. Nelson, you can contact him through the website or at info@kidlead.com.

fax: 831.886.1527

Check out KidLead's new book on growing great leaders:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for the posting. We welcome parents and school/church leaders to participate in this preview on the 23rd!