September set records for unique visitors as well as pageviews on Number of visits was very close at 5990, second only to August 2012. We had 3138 unique visitors and 16,472 pageviews.
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of terms. A unique visitor is an IP address. It's not quite a unique
person as people sharing a home or office network, in most cases, would
be reflected as a single unique user. A visit is someone coming on site,
whether they visit one page or ten, then exiting the site (that's one
visit). A pageview is just what it sounds like, the number of pages
within the site that were viewed.
Robots and Spiders used by
search engines to catalog sites, are not included in these numbers. I'm
not emphasizing "hits" because it's not a useful number. A single visit to
one page of a website can generate a dozen or more hits. But for the record, we average over 150,000 hits per month.